So You Want to Write a Novel

Before I ever seriously pursued writing, I had some grandiose ideas of what writing would be like.  Reality came into play and all the sudden I realized it was tough to get published. Short story or a novel, getting published takes patience and persistence. That’s why I enjoyed this short film I found on Nathan Bransford’s blog. It illustrates why some people might fall in love with writing, and getting disappointed or frustrated results don’t match their dreams. I’m a little guilty of looking for the success before the hard work is done. I’m sure any writer tends fantasizes about the fruits of their labor, but at the same time writers need to be able to tune back into reality. Instant gratification plagues our society and spills into any endeavor out there. Writing (like anything) takes time; there are no overnight successes. Watch this video and you’ll get a sense of where I’m coming from.